Citizens+Students 2021

Let’s plan together, Northern Hills!

We invite you to share your stories and ideas for the future on the Next Calgary Co-Create platform.
Plan Together is a collaborative engagement project between Planning students at the University of Calgary and the Northern Hills Community Association.

Our goal is to encourage greater social connection and to seek solutions to the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19. Your contributions to this project will go towards a proposal for improving the outdoors, specifically the pathways and parks, in Northern Hills.

In our first workshop, you helped us identify where your favourite walking paths are and what kinds of street decorations you enjoy. Now, we need your help to reimagine these pathways! 

Use our new virtual map to complete a brief survey about 5 different walking paths across the community, and tell us what kinds of street decorations you would place in that specific location. 

Stay up to date with the Plan Together project at 

Plan Together is a collaborative engagement project between Planning students at the University of Calgary and the Northern Hills Community Association. Our goal is to encourage greater social connection and to seek solutions to the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19. Your contributions to this project will go towards a proposal for improving the outdoors, specifically the pathways and parks, in Northern Hills. To learn more, visit our homepage

Our first virtual workshop will be open to the public from Feb. 10 to Feb. 24. We’ll be releasing new activities every few days that can be completed at your own pace. We hope these exercises get you thinking about your community in new, exciting ways! Start contributing to the workshop by visiting

We are excited to share to collaborate with the University of Calgary Master of Planning graduate students to identify planning challenges in the Northern Hills community and Envision the design solutions for them.

It will be fully driven through the community’s input – Your Input!

The continuing disruption the COVID-19 virus has brought to individuals, families, communities, businesses, schools, workplaces, pretty much every aspect of our lives has transformed everyday life.

How are we coping, what are the immediate effects and struggles, what has changed, how can we rebuild and strengthen community connections?

After months of improvised organization and individual struggle, how can we come together to shape the impact this pandemic has on our community collectively? What are strategies and adaptations in everyday life, organization, services, and the built environment to claim back public life safely, healthy, and happy?

U of C Students and Northern Hills Community will explore this and more questions together over this Winter and early Spring of 2021. Throughout January and February, we will have an online community workshops, that will be open to all members of the community. It will be important for our residents, businesses, and stakeholders to attend. Let’s get our ideas working.

Check back here as more exciting information is yet to come!

Learn more about the project in other communities here: ds21w – Next Calgary

Post Author: Yana

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