Children’s Fitness Tax Receipt FAQs

1. What is this tax credit?

Information is provided on the Northern Hills Sports Fitness Tax Credit page.

2. When can I get my tax receipt?

In January of the following year (so January 2016 for the 2015 outdoor season), the NHCA will e-mail you a link to the online program which produces your certificate. You can also click on this link to obtain it.

3. I didn’t get the email. How do I get my tax receipt?

If you do/did not receive this email, please check your junk/spam folder. If you have changed your email address since you registered for soccer, then you need to let the NHCA office know so they can update your information in the online sports program which produces these certificates. This is another reason why it is important to keep us updated with your current information.

You can click on this link to obtain it.

4. I used the link, but it doesn’t recognise me.

Have you changed your phone number or moved house? Have you asked to be removed from the NHCA Membership database?

If you are having problems, please contact the NHCA office for help.

5. I used the link, but I haven’t been sent my tax receipt.

Please allow 24 hours for the email to reach you. These are generated automatically by the online sports program. If you still have not received it after 24 hours, please make sure that you are checking the email address you used to register for the soccer program with and check your spam folder. If you still have not received it, please contact the NHCA office.

6. I paid $180 for my U4 child’s soccer so why does my tax receipt only say $50?

Only the actual sports program fee is eligible for the tax credit. Your $30 membership fee and the $100 you paid so you didn’t have to volunteer are not eligible.

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Post Author: Yana